We brought some Swedish cheese for our friends, it was well ate
Like daughter like mother or sth. Osmosmdesatpartyparty didn't go to Croatia that day, so we got to see her. Hurá!!our visit to the CROSS CLUB:
Mang started out with some dirty, greasy smažený sýr eating
The toilets at the Cross are my favourite places for pictures. They give you a selection from the art history. Today's choice: cubism
Vince made me photograph Eva's breasts
Tu t'es bien salopé mon (j'ai oublié quoi)!
Time for some the-day-after pineapple at Hradčanská tramstop
Lucerna can tell you your weight for only 2 korun
The last days of my stay in February, I just waited and hoped that Bea's would finally open their new restaurant at Bělehradská, but they never did. Back again, we got to taste the almost only eatable (and more!) indian food in Prague, and SO CLOSE to our old flat!
The last evening, we managed to drink some beers in the quartiers near Tesco. We had fun on the metro home!

Amélie seemed to want to kill the fish while others were occupied finishing off the Swedish cheese
Oh, it was wonderful being back, I'm so glad we went!
I would like to thank the French flat for having us and Gustav for the editing program so I could post the pictures even though I'm at my parents computer. Also thank you Emma for the password. Bisous à tous!
Très bonne sélection de photos! C'était génial que vous soyez là, on a bien rigolé, et ce ne sera pas la dernière fois, t'inquiète pas!
Gros bisous
åhhhhhh, jag saknar prag reda, fastän jag fortfarande är här och sen snart ska tillbaka. det måste vara kärlek det.. jättekul att ha er här!!!!
vi ses i götet
puss å kram
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