Nu är min dator på sista sucken. Kontakten till elen alltså. Datorn får ingen el så jag måste skynda mig att skriva det här innan batteriet tar slut. Sedan ska jag lämna in den och betala mer än tusen kronor. Det är jag sprudlande glad över. Särskilt om det tar extra lång tid att få tillbaks den. Kan isåfall förklara eventuell digital frånvaro.
Ikväll vinner Timrå hemma över MODO och går vidare till semifinal. Sådeså.-
Hello ,
There is no snow in Prague today , but temperature is little fresh .
I discovers by hasard your blog ,and I discovers some interesting photos .
ERIC . (20 March 2007)
Oh hi Eric! I can imagine Prague is lovely right now, I'm having a bit of a nostalgia period at the moment ... Enjoy!
Hello again ,
I just spend nearly two hours walking in Prague Center , During the Night as you know it s also fabulous with all the lights . Then after 1 Pilsner beer , I am ready to go for sleeping .
Bye From Prague . Next week will be SKI time in French Alps for a week with my wife and my young daughter ( just 3 Month ) .
Bye Johanna .
eric: Everything sounds lovely; Prague by night and especially the SKI TRIP in FRANCE. I hope your daughter will enjoy the snow!
Hello Johanna ,
The ski time last week was really perfect , finally we still had a lot of snow ( from 1650 Meter til 2800 Meter ). The french cheese was also good as you can imagine . Now it s time for business and I just come back to Prag for 2 days before going in krakow for 2 days end this week. Lot of people are walking on the streets now .
I just discovers your new photos on your Blog . Congratulation , your are incredible .
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